
Protopic dermatitis

PROTOPIC ointment, Tacrolimus Monohydrate, 1 g of Protopic 0.03, Medicine and Disease informationBy viewing the content of this web page you are both confirming your status as a healthcare professional and agreeing to our terms of use. Treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis in adults who are not adequately responsive to or are intolerant of conventional therapies. Treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis in children (2 years of age and above) who failed to respond adequately to conventional therapies. Protopic should be prescribed by physicians with experience in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. Protopic ointment should be applied as a thin layer to affected areas of the skin. Protopic ointment may be used on any part of the body, including face, neck and flexure areas, except on mucous membranes. Protopic ointment should not be applied under occlusion (See Special Precautions). Each affected region of the skin should be treated with Protopic until clearance occurs and then treatment should be discontinued. Generally, improvement is seen within one week of starting treatment. If no signs of improvement are seen after two weeks of treatment, further treatment options should be considered. Protopic can be used for short term and intermittent long term treatment. Protopic is available in two strengths, Protopic 0.03% and Protopic 0.1% ointment. Treatment should be started with Protopic 0.

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