
Protopic safe

Elidel Cream Cancer Protopic warning: Mesothelioma Basic Cancer Information Part 1If you would like to receive information regarding potential new lawsuits, class actions, lawsuit settlements and large verdicts, please enter your name and email address below, and press On January 19, 2006, FDA approved new labeling for two topical eczema drugs, Elidel Cream (pimecrolimus) and Protopic Ointment (tacrolimus). The new labeling includes a boxed warning about a possible risk of cancer and a Medication Guide (FDA-approved patient labeling). The Medication Guide is to be distributed with each prescription to help ensure that patients using these prescription medicines are aware of this concern. The new labeling also clarifies that these drugs are recommended for use as second-line treatments. This means that other prescription topical medicines should be tried first. Use of these drugs in children under 2 years of age is not recommended.

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