
Is protopic ointment

Dermatology: Mild Eczema, elidel and protopic, topical medicationYou are here: Experts Health/Fitness Medical Specialists Dermatology Mild Eczema I am 32 and I went to a dermatologist about a year ago and was told I had a mild case of eczema. At the time it was mostly on my upper arms, but now I have patches on the back of my neck and between my breasts ... the skin on my back is pretty dry too. This is really starting to depress me, it almost makes me want to cry. I cover up alot and I don't like my husband to look at me anymore. I wanted to get the spots on my arms covered with a tattoo but I hear that is not such a good idea. So that makes me feel worse that I can't do anything about it.

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