
You use protopic

my bichon swallowed some protopic ointment 0.03.... - JustAnswer You are a light at the end of scary tunnel when $ are tight, but people need professional help to turn to for help with their dear pets! It can be toxic if swallowed, if this occured less then 2 hours ago you can induce vomiting by giving her 1- tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Gently rub her belly to mix the contents and vomiting should occur within 15-20 minutes. If this is not successful then you can repeat this process one more time and it should be successful. Then monitor her closely for any signs of lethargic behavior, respiratory problems, or continued vomiting which would be a sign that further medical treatment is needed. Her stomach may stay upset for a day or two so it is best to feed a bland diet of cooked rice and/or boiled chicken or beef which is easier on the stomach and then return to her regular diet after that.

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