
Protopic for lichen

Talk Eczema: Your Stories - ProtopicYou need a username and password to access our members only area.Home About Us Contact Us Links Advertise Site Map Newsletter Register for Members’ Area I have suffered with eczema for 35 yrs and my dermatologist prescribed protopic 4 yrs ago as I seem to have tried every treatment going. I have facial eczema which flairs up due to allergies (normally pets, dust, etc), and I only use protopic ointment in an evening as it tends to burn my skin and itch like crazy. I can't get over the fact though, that I scratch my face like crazy but when I wake up in the morning is cleared! I don't tend to have to use it very often now as my skin is a lot clearer -- touch wood. (July 2008) Contact Emma I have had eczema for most of my life, flaring up now and again. At the moment it is pretty bad and I have been prescribed Protopic 0.3%. I have been using it on my forehead and scalp for about two weeks now. The initial burning has eased but I am now getting a stinging sensation on my face when I wash with even tepid water. Particularly on my cheeks (and that isn't a site where I use the ointment). Sensitivity to hot and cold is highlighted as a side effect but this facial stinging hasn't. This hadn't been pointed out to me at the time. So far, I haven't seen the benefits over other topical steroids such as Fucibet. (March 2007)I am 42 and I've had eczema for 40 years.

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