
Protopic price

Protopic the FDA, Protopic Side Effects - Aylstock, Witkin, Kries, and Overholtz - Justice LawyersProtopic use has recently been linked with the possible development of lymphoma and/or skin cancer. While a causative link between Protopic and cancer remains inconclusive, initial data is such that it has led the FDA to issue a new safety warning with regards to use of the immunosuppressive drug.The FDA began to take notice of the possible relationship between skin cancer, lymphoma and Protopic use in 2005. Efforts made by the FDA to institute significant warning label changes were met with resistance by Astellas, the manufacturers of the drug. However, in January of 2006, the FDA required that Protopic be labeled with a "black box" warning advising patients and doctors with regards to the serious nature of Protopic side effects.

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