
Protopic oint

Protopic side effects [Archive] - National Psoriasis Foundation message boardNational Psoriasis Foundation message board Psoriasis Protopic side effectsI went to my family doctor (could not get in to see derm for two weeks) and asked for a prescription of protopic after reading post on here about the great results others have had. After applying it to the p areas on my face I have been having side effects I did not expect. Has anyone else had burning , intense redness and itching after using this? I was using dovonex but it seem to make it much worse. I am desperate for anything that could help me right now. I have always had p on my legs but about a month ago it showed up on my left ear and has since spread across my whole face. Any help or advice would be appreciated..........Tim I stopped using soaps on my irritated face. I stopped using steroids anywhere on my face or near my face. I used Protopic alone for over a week initially. And my face started to resolve nicely. After that, it has been only nightly maintenance when needed (these days, I'm using it less and less)---where I use it once or maybe twice to relieve lesions I see coming on. The facial psoriasis is no longer aggressive. So yes, the redness might be there for a while, but it goes away. It did for me. I used to be red around the nasolabial folds on what I considered good days and Protopic handled that. It looks normal now. To me, Protopic responds better if you don't rub it in harshly.

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