
For protopic

Dermatology: skin discoloration, elidel and protopic, pigment lossYou are here: Experts Health/Fitness Medical Specialists Dermatology skin discoloration About seven years ago i notice my skin chaging color especaily on my back area. now i am noticing it on my arms and almost my face. I went to go my doctor and especail doctors and they all keep given me this very small lotion that does not work. Can you help me. The treatment of this is to reverse the pigment loss. This can be done with Elidel or Protopic. If there is not pigment or the tissue is white then you have to worry about vitaligo. Now, you can have a skin condition called postinflammatory hypopigmentation. This means that inflammation of the skin causes the pigment to lesson. Thus, if you skin is irritated or inflammation to need to find out why. I recommend that you visit your local dermatologist for the correct medication to help with reduced pigment.

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