
Is protopic ointment

Buy Protopic (tacrolimus ointment) at Online Canada Pharmacy Bookmark Us!    Register   Login                                                                                      All Prices Are In US DollarsProtopic belongs to the family of drug known as Immunosuppressant which commonly used for the treatment and prevention of the symptoms of discomfort of many skin problems. Protopic works on certain areas of the immune system that may be involved in developing this skin condition. Protopic belongs to the family of drug known as Immunosuppressant which commonly used for the treatment and prevention of the symptoms of discomfort of many skin problems as atopic dermatitis (eczema). Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease of skin in which the skin becomes inflamed, causing itchiness, redness, swelling, and cracking, weeping, crusting, and scaling. Protopic works on certain areas of the immune system that may be involved in developing this skin condition. The inflammation is caused by activation of the immune system though the reason for the activation is unknown. Protopic ointment suppresses the immune system and the inflammation by inhibiting an enzyme (calcineurin) crucial for the multiplication of T-cells, cells that are required for activation of the immune system. The exact working mechanism of Protopic is not fully understood.

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