
Protopic black

Protopic - Medical Look review FORUM HUMAN ANATOMY DISEASES LIST DRUGS LIST Save for later , which is generically prescribed as tacrolimus topical, is commonly used to treat atopic dermatitis, which is also known as eczema. Protopic slows the growth of atopic dermatitis on the skin. Protopic is usually a treatment choice when other treatment options have failed to work well for the patient. Protopic is not appropriate for everyone. A thorough medical history should be assessed prior to prescribing this medication. Patients with a medical history which includes skin cancer, skin infection, chicken pox, herpes, Netherton s syndrome, a weakened immune system, kidney disease, or large areas of redness, swelling, or irritation of the skin s surface may not be able to take Protopic or may require careful monitoring while undergoing drug therapy with this medication, depending on the condition and the severity of the condition. Protopic is not appropriate for children under the age of 2 years old.

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