
Protopic 01

Protopic.....IT BURNS!!! Bad Reaction! - National Psoriasis Foundation message board Your message board username, password, & email_address should match the settings in your online account. Ok well it was too expensive to get a prescription so the derm got some samples in and I got some! I was excited cuz I thought it was gonna help me. I been looking for jobs lately and yesterday I applied it after my shower and 15 minutes later it was burning,stinging and itching the worst I have ever felt!! And I have had some bad flares before! All I did yesterday was wash my face all day long and put a cold wet towel on it every 5 minutes or so cuz the towel would get so hot from my skin. It even burned today too and all this even after I tried to get this stuff off all day yesterday. Well im alot better today but I am sad I thought I may have a medication that would work and now I have nothing. I have been using desonide and it doesnt work anymore. I dont know what to do for my face P. But also I dont even know for sure if it is P or not....my doc said she thought it was Seborria? The derm said its either P Seborria or Severe excema. Said he thinks its P tho! He wouldnt do a biopsy cuz he said all these skin conditions look the same when looking at them.

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