
Of protopic ointment

On Protopic, 20-Minute Symptoms and Derms briefing | mail | interviews | articles | psorchat | don't say this | flaker creativity | flakers' jargon | other places | archives | send mail | ed dewke | search | acknowledgments | legal stuff |My hairdresser noticed some pink spots on my scalp. She thought it was some kind of rash and suggested I change my shampoo. On the next visit she noticed them again and asked if I've experienced any itching. The answer was 'No.' She suggested I use a shampoo with coal tar. I did. On the next visit she said it was almost gone. I was happy and went on vacation and the following thing happened.Finally, should you change Derms? You say you ve been to several so far. I m always saying that a trusting rapport between flaker and derm is essential, and that rapport is based on complete and timely communications. When you are acquiring symptoms in minutes rather than over days or weeks access to your derm is more important. If your current derm can t play ball on your accelerated time table, maybe a change is in order. On the other hand, it doesn t seem to me like your derm has done anything out of the ordinary or contrary to conventional practice. (I m not sure why she wanted to try Protopic, but many others have and for some it has worked well.) Changing derms always means covering old ground, retracing past steps.

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