tacrolimus in renal

The Veterinary Use of Tacrolimus Ophthalmic Solution in PetsVeterinary & Aquatic Services Department, Drs. Foster & Smith Tacrolimus modifies the immune response, and is used as an ophthalmic preparation in the eye for the treatment of keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS, 'dry eye') and chronic superficial keratitis in dogs. Usually KCS requires lifetime treatment. Side effects may include mild eye irritation (redness, rubbing at the eye, excess blinking) when starting treatment. Consult your veterinarian if these effects are severe or do not subside within a week. If you know or suspect your pet has had an overdose, or if you observe any unusual signs in your pet, contact your veterinarian immediately. Always wash your hands before and after applying this medication. It is also recommended that you wear gloves during application. Tacrolimus Ophthalmic Solution (Compounded) You do not have javascript enabled. Click here to continue... Used in the treatment of keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS or "dry eye") and chronic superficial keratitis in dogs. Tacrolimus modifies the immune response, and is used as an ophthalmic preparation in the eye. Tacrolimus is used in other forms to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs.