protopic work for

Protopic Cream for Vitiligo UVA Phototherapy Equipment - UVB Narrow Band - UVB Narrow Band Phototherapy SystemsThis page was borrowed with permission from www.vitiligosupport.org. We here at Amjo strongly recommend that you become a member of the www.vitiligosupport.org family.The following articles/news releases are about a new drug called Protopic Ointment. Protopic ointment, an immunomodulator, is currently indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe eczema (atopic dermatitis). Currently, an investigator initiated study is underway with support from Fujisawa Pharmaceuticals of Japan, to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Protopic in the treatment of Vitiligo. Topical immunomodulators alter (down-regulate) the immune response in the skin. Protopic ointment may be useful in curbing the immune response against pigment cells in the area of Vitiligo. Conventional therapies for eczema have been limited and variable outcomes have been reported. Routine treatment frequently includes the use of steroid creams applied to the skin. Steroids have been associated with side effects including: skin thinning, stretch marks and skin discoloration. Physician and patient satisfaction has been disappointing. Protopic offers physicians another treatment option when conventional treatment is deemed inadvisable because of the potential risks associated with them, or when patients are not adequately responsive to or intolerant of conventional therapies. Similar to other dermatological products currently on the market, Fujisawa advises that patients practice safe sun techniques to avoid direct exposure to natural or artificial sunlight. Some patients reported skin burning and itching associated with the application of Protopic however, the incidences of these events decreased as the disease improved.