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National Kidney Foundation Forums : transAction Council : Meds and Side Effects : Prograf causing sweats Has anyone come across a good answer as to how to control the sweats that Prograf seems to cause this time of year?I have tried the over the counter Secret Clinical antipersperant (it seemed to make things worse), and about every other brand out there. Raise your hand if you're Sure? Nope didn't. Combining a powder and Lady Speed at the moment, but it doesn't seem to have improved anything.I don't know if the same but sometimes I feel this internal hot that I almost can't handle (I know it not hormonal because I have my dates regularly). Luckily I don't feel wet under the arms, I just transpire my body (mostly the back). I live in LA, CA where is very hot but as Pwisp I also felt cold before (congratulation on your 4th year anniversary, I was just 1 year of my last and 3rd transplant June 5th.). Antiperspirants seem to don't be good because it's needed to take out the perspiration, it has a lot of contamination that human beings don't need to keep inside the body. There are things to put under the arms to perspiration can't be seen? Breast feeders mother have things to put in their ????? for the liquid to don't show up.