prograf medication

Tacrolimus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -5,6,8,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,24,25,26,26a) is an immunosuppressive drug whose main use is after allogenic organ transplant to reduce the activity of the patient's immune system and so lower the risk of organ rejection. It is also used in a topical preparation in the treatment of severe atopic dermatitis (eczema), severe refractory uveitis after bone marrow transplants, and the skin condition vitiligo. It is a 23-membered macrolide lactone discovered in 1984 from the fermentation broth of a Japanese soil sample that contained the bacteria The most common adverse events associated with the use of Protopic included the sensation of skin burning, itching, flu-like symptoms, and headache. The use of Protopic should be avoided on known or suspected malignant lesions. The use of Protopic on patients with Netherton's syndrome or similar skin diseases is not recommended. Patients should minimize or avoid natural or artificial sunlight exposure. Skin infections should be cleared prior to application, and there may be an increased risk of certain skin infections. Protopic should not be used with occlusive dressings (