nizoral and hairloss

what's the difference betw/ nizoral 1% and 2%? - Topic By and for Hair Loss Patients Hair Transplant Network Hair Restoration Research Forum Shampoos, sprays, and concealers what's the difference betw/ nizoral 1% and 2%?You will not notice any difference with any of these products, they do not regrow hair. The best hope is that combined with finasteride and rogaine you can give your scalp the best growing conditions. Hairloss is not going to be stopped on its own by any shampoos, but it can be one of your soldiers in a team attack against it.Nizoral is a anti-fungal/anti-dandruff shampoo, I use the 1% over the counter niz, the 2% requires a presription but you may be able to get online, not sure. It makes your hair feel dry as you know, I use nioxin because I like it but I do not expect it to regrow anything. It claims to remove dht from the scalp which many other shampoos probably do. Remember, the dht below the scalp is what does the real damage to your follicles, therefore IMO, finasteride is the best option of the three. Rogaine helps increase bloodflow and regrows fine vellous hair (like peach fuzz), I have had little success with this and it is a messy regimen.