lithium carbonate medication

LITHOBID Drug Interactions, LITHOBID Side Effects and LITHOBID Patient Reviews - It means that we're waiting for more patients taking this medication to join iGuard before we can provide a more accurate safety assessment of this product. regularly asks patients taking Lithobid to provide feedback on: disease/condition treated, effectiveness/satisfaction, side effects, and information they wish they knew prior to starting the medication. This feedback is continuously updated for the benefit of other members of the iGuard community. I was on lithium until the later part of August 2005. During the last month of being on it I started to have nausea and vomiting. I saw my doctor and he put me on an anti-nausea medication. That helped for a while but then I started to get severe diarrea. I figured that my body was trying to get rid of something like an infection. Then it got worse. I had both problems. I saw a doctor and they decided to do a lithium level check, but becuse it had been too soon after taking my last dose they wanted to wait until they could get an accurate level. Well later that day I knew it was something serious when I couldn't even see the numbers on the phone to call 911. I ended up being taken to the ER by a really close friend. What seemed like a really long time but was only a short while I blacked out. I ended up in the ICU in another hospital about 2 days later finding out that I had acute kidney failure. They had me on dialysis. Later I talked to my regular doctor after being released and found out that my lithium level was way beyond toxicity levels. I was told that had I not realized that my life was in danger when I did I may not have lived. Luckily thanks to the doctors and medical personel at two hospitals I have full function of my kidneys. I have a history of getting dehydrated easily.