lithium carbonate sodium

Can lithium carbonate cause more severe depression? - Yahoo! Answerson 1 gram of lithium,1200 tegretol, 1 gram lamotrigine,40 mg citalopram plus thyroxine, beta blockers, baclofen, self high dose of full strength codeine (up to 500 mg daily due to addiction, high (self prescribing) anti histamine, all this since the past 5 years but various meds for past 35 years. the depression has never been so bad since the restart of the lithium 3 months ago. also on diazepam and sleeping tabletsOh baby, I am sorry that you are on so many meds. I truly feel your pain. OK, I was on lithium for several years along with Depokote and Zyprexia all at the same time. Let me tell you that I got so fat from the three meds and gained a ton of weight, like over 67 pounds within six months. So, as far as being more depressed...hmmm, I was so upset and annoyed with gaining the weight that I WAS WAY MORE DEPRESSED. I didn t feel like myself, despite the fact that I have manic-depression that I only know that I felt worse about myself. Hence, more depressed. Is the lithium really needed again? I started taking Lamictal/Trileptal/Seroquel instead of the other three drugs from hell mentioned above a couple of years ago. I am so much better and the weight gain is not as noticeable, more controllable. So, that increased depression concern that you have is extremely valid. I am going to start taking a beta blocker this week to control the terrible tremors that I have been dealing with due to the long usage of the above meds. I am thinking that you may be doing the same?? Talk about being frustrated with those side effects.