
Doryx medication

Vulva Burning After Doryx? - Acne.org Message Boards No I ve never experienced this, and I have been on Doxycycline for over a year. The yeast infection is a semi-normal occurence when one takes antibiotics. Antibiotics tend to kill ALL bacteria, which leaves an inbalance in your system. Also, since most bacteria is killed, even the productive kind, your immune system could be weaken. It s best to remember to take a multivitamin and also probiotics, such as eating yogurt. In this process I was also misdiagnosed with Chron s disease (my symptoms were very similar to the onset) so i went for like 2 weeks thinking I had Chrons and would have to have my colon removed and would have to live with a bag to eliminate..I did nothing but cry everyday for 2 weeks believing this was my fate, acne AND a colonstomy bag.....who would ever love me this way?? Acne alone is bad enough... Then it was confirmed later on when all of my doctors finally concurred that ALL of my symptoms were attributable to having a bad reaction to the Doxycycline.

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