
Much does doryx

CrazyBoards doryx and retin-a Help - Search - Members - Calendar CrazyBoards Meds and Other Crap That Make Life Tolerable Miscellaneous Medications Miscellaneous Questions About Meds I have really bad acne and it s gotten to the point where my therapist feels that it s just adding fuel to my already low self esteem, so she told me to see a dermatologist. she even recommended one. so I went, and this is what I got. she prescribed:this is what I m worried about: my doctor didn t tell me anything about the meds. nothing. I got everything you see here from the prescription sheet. (she spent the whole time talking about my long eyelashes and paper clip earrings.) she wrote the prescription totally offhandedly, like it was something she does all the time and it didn t merit any thought at all. this seems bad enough to me. I didn t want to waste her time so I didn t ask her anything about the meds, figuring I could find some more stuff on the internet later.The bioavailability of oral tetracyclines and iron salts may be significantly decreased during concurrent administration. Therapeutic failure may result. The proposed mechanism is chelation of tetracyclines by the iron cation, forming an insoluble complex that is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

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