
Doryx good

Inhouse Pharmacy Doryx - Information for PatientsDoryx contains an antibiotic used to treat certain infections and to control severe acne.These medicines work by killing or stopping the growth of bacteria which cause infections or make acne worse. Tetracyclines will not work against viral infections such as the flu.Is my $$$ Doryx ever gonna work? - Dermatology - MedHelpMember Comments are provided by individuals and reflect their personal opinions only. Under NO circumstances should you act on any advice or opinion posted in this forum. ALWAYS check with your personal physician before taking any action regarding your health! MedHelp International and our partners, sponsors and affiliates have no obligation to monitor any comments posted on this site, or the content and/or accuracy of such exchanges. MedHelp International does not endorse the views of any user. Hi, I have suffered from mild to moderate acne for about 8 years. Mostly just regular pimples with a big painful cyst about 2x a year or so. However my acne took a turn for the worse about 9 months ago and it has gotten quite severe. Tired of feeling constantly embaressed I went to a dermatologist months ago where i was prescribed 100mg Doryx and Triaz 6%pads. My derm, although very nice, doesnt speak the most fluent english but i thought he said my skin should begin to clear in 6 weeks. And it would probably get worse before better. Well 9 weeks latter and hundreds of dollars poorer I have seen NO improvement.

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