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How does doryx work? | Full TipsFull Tips is full of tips on everyday life. Answers to your questions.I mean i know its supposed to help control acne before it starts but what does it do, i know accutane shuts off the oil producing gland, how doryx work and how long before i see results ive been doing everything the dermatoligst gaave, the face wash, ziana, and doryx and i have not seen much chnage and its been like 6 weeks.makes sense when you consider that the word tetra in Latin means four, and the word cycline comes from the Greek word, kyklos, meaning circle. Put the two words together and you get four circles (rings). Some tetracyclines occur naturally, whereas others are part natural and part man-made. Doxyclyine is part natural and part man-made, which is why it is called a semisynthetic (part man-made) tetracycline. Specifically, doxycycline is made by changing the chemical makeup of a naturally occurring tetracycline known as oxytetracycline. Doxycycline works by stopping the production of protein that the bacteria needs to survive. Without being able to produce the protein, the bacteria cannot perform essential functions such as growth and repair.

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