
Doryx on

About Doryx Acne Medication About Doryx Acne MedicationDoryx is the brand name of an antibiotic used to treat acne in both teenagers and adults. It is a type of tetracycline called doxycycline hyclate; it is time-released and taken in pill form once a day. Side effects are uncommon, although it does have the potential to reduce the effectiveness of other medications.When acne does not respond to topical therapy, oral antibiotics may be used instead or added to the treatment process. Physicians also commonly prescribe Doryx or other oral antibiotics as beginning therapy for acne. These antibiotics decrease bacterial colonies and also are anti-inflammatory agents. A combination of Doryx and topical retinoids, a form of vitamin A that helps reduce and eliminate acne, is even more effective. Retinoids are a form of vitamin A that helps reduce and eliminate acne. Doryx also has been shown in one study to reduce rosacea.

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