
Protopic mechanism

Eczema Forum: Has anyone used protopic? - DailyStrengthEczema is a form of dermatitis, or inflammation of the upper layers of the skin. The term eczema is broadly applied to a range of persistent or recurring skin rashes characterized ... I have eczema on my scrotum and the front leg creases. The skin on my scrotum turns a light red and gets irritated. The skin never itches, it hurts and burns sometimes. The skin on my leg creases doesn't change in color and also doesn't itch but hurts when it is rubbed. I tried using the steroid cream that the doctor gave me and over the counter 1% ointment but they didn't change anything. I applied thick coats of moisturizer and that didn't do anything. When I apply thin coats of moisturizers it doesn't soak in. The skin isn't cracked or dry looking.

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