tacrolimus fk 506

Phase III Study Demonstrates Once-a-Day Prograf MR(TM) (Modified Release) And Twice-Daily Prograf(R) Are As Effective As Neoral(R), Kidney Transplants Study results presented today at the World Transplant Congress (WTC) demonstrated that investigational drug, once-daily Prograf MR(TM) (Modified Release) (tacrolimus or TAC) and twice-daily standard Prograf(R) (tacrolimus or TAC) are as effective as Neoral(R) (cyclosporine or CsA) in de novo kidney transplant recipients. Additionally, studies in adult kidney, adult liver, adult heart and pediatric liver transplant recipients have demonstrated continued maintenance of the efficacy and safety of milligram-to-milligram conversion of twice-daily Prograf to once-daily Prograf MR. One of the studies presented today was the one-year follow-up results in pediatric liver transplant recipients converted from Prograf to Prograf MR. Recipients enrolled in the study were between the ages of five and 12 and were evaluated based on dosing and trough levels, laboratory values, concomitant medications, graft survival and adverse events. In the 18 pediatric transplant recipients taking Prograf MR for one year, there were no patient deaths, no graft losses, no acute rejection and laboratory values remained stable.