tacrolimus monitoring

CHRONIC SUPERFICIAL KERATITIS, IN DOGS (Pannus) - Chinaroad Lowchens of Australia is an immune mediated corneal disease primarily found in the German Shepard breed although other predisposed breeds include Greyhounds, Huskies, and Dachshunds. Ultraviolet light and altitude influence the severity of the disease. Pannus is a progressive, non painful, inflammatory disease of the cornea, conjunctiva, and sometimes the third eyelids (when affecting the third eyelid, it is termed "atypical pannus" or "plasmoma"). Other breeds reported to have problems with pannus include Poodles, Border Collies, and Labrador Retrievers. Variable proportions of pigmentation, corneal vascularization, granulation tissue, and cholesterol deposits characterize Pannus. The corneal changes usually begin on the lower outside surface of the eye. Both eyes are affected, though the diseased regions may be asymmetric. Some dogs also have dry eye problems. As the disease progresses, blindness can develop. The cause of Pannus is not well understood, but several factors are involved: The breed incidence suggests a heritable predisposition. Additionally, UV (ultraviolet) radiation plays an important role as an inciting and propagating factor. Dogs living at high altitudes and low altitudes are more severely affected. Also, auto immunity and possibly genetics play a part.