prograf 2 - Heart Transplant - Tacrolimus (FK 506, Prograf) Recent trials show it to be effective in managing heart transplant patients and it may be used instead of Neoral. A lower dose can be used than with cyclosporine. Prograf should not be used at the same time as cyclosporine. The current drug should be stopped at least 24 hours before beginning the other one. Some studies suggest that Prograf may cause less atherosclerosis in heart transplant patients than cyclosporine and that it may do more to offset organ mismatches.All information on this site is opinion only. All concepts, explanations, trials, and studies have been re-written in plain English and may contain errors. I am not a doctor. Use the reference information at the end of each article to search MedLine for more complete and accurate information. All original copyrights apply. No information on this page should be used by any person to affect their medical, legal, educational, social, or psychological treatment in any way. I am not a doctor. This web site and all its pages, graphics, and content copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Jon C.