nizoral dandruff shampoo

Nizoral - Shampoo - (100ml) Allcures.com - For all your Pharmacy and Chemist needs. If you want to contact one of our pharmacists before you purchase this product you may do so by email or telephone.Nizoral Dandruff Shampoo is for the treatment and prevention of dandruff and dry or greasy scaling of the scalp (seborrhoeic dermatitis). Nizoral Dandruff Shampoo has been specially formulated to clear and control the yeasts associated with dandruff and seborrhoeic dermatitis. If you have had an allergic reaction to Nizoral Dandruff Shampoo or any of the ingredients in the past, then do not use this shampoo. As with most shampoos, if any gets into your eyes bathe them gently with cold water. If you have been using a lotion or cream on your hair, for a long time, which contains a steroid (such as betamethasone or hydrocortisone) to control your dandruff or seborrhoeic dermatitis, then you will need to gradually use it less and less over 2 / 3 weeks while you start to use your Nizoral dandruff shampoo. This will stop your condition flaring up while your Nizoral dandruff shampoo starts to work. Should you have any questions concerning stopping your steroid lotion or cream, please speak to your doctor or pharmacist.