nizoral cream review

Hair Loss :: Other Treatments :: Nizoral Nizoral was originally developed as a dandruff shampoo with broad-spectrum anti-fungal properties. The active ingredient in Nizoral is ketoconazole, which is available over the counter in a 1% solution or by prescription at 2%. Both products have shown benefit in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, male pattern baldness. This product is not FDA approved as a hair loss treatment. Nizoral, like several other products, helps block the conversion of testosterone to DHT. In addition, Nizoral removes sebum deposits, which are fatty acids that lay on the scalp and appear to clog the hair follicles. It is difficult to remove sebum deposits with regular scalp cleansing methods. Both men and women can use this product. Nizoral can be used with other topical treatments such as Rogaine as it relieves any itchiness or dryness as well as dandruff.