nizoral and dht

Hair Loss Help Forums - Nizoral shampoo caused my FolliculitisSurgical Hair Restoration - Hair Transplant Open Topic I was diagnosed with Folliculitis a few weeks ago by my Derm. and told not to use Niz. anymore as its too harsh. I may even be one of the few with a KETOCONAZOLE allergy, as mentioned in the side effects listing for Niz. shampoo. please remember nizoral 2% shampoo is a VERY powerful shampoo and has very good reason to be available only with a prescription in many countries. its supposed to be left to soak on your head for 5 mins for a MAXIMUM of twice per week...AND NO MORE ! the 2% is mean't to be used as a one-off treatment as its so powerful and the 1% is only supposed to be used twicve a week for 8 weeks then cut back. recently I was prescribed an antidandruff shampoo called nizoral 2% ketoconazole. I used it religiously and initially felt some relief. but i was only supposed to use it 2-3 times per week and instead i used it every day. now i have noticed tha ti have a bunch of white hairs or hairs that are both white and black on the same follicle or new brown hairs. I have also noticed that i have lost quite a bit of hair on one side in the front and increased itching/burning in that area. I am only 17 years old and am positively not suffering from male pattern baldness ( i have hair like growing down to my eyes). but I am wondering if you think that the hair i lost in front with nizoral will grow back or if i permanently damaged my scalp beyond repair. Also note that there is no pain anymore that i have discontinued use of it for a month.