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Case Histories, CFIDS, Yeast related illness | Main Menu | Home | About Us | What s New | FAQ | Site Search | Contact Us | Catalog | Privacy Policy | I continued to worsen, despite numerous visits to doctors, numerous tests and numerous treatments. My worst problem was constant diarrhea, which had been treated with antibiotics for five to six weeks at a time. I now know that this was like pouring gasoline on the fire. I developed severe stomach pain and became very nervous, jittery and depressed with a lot of abdominal gas and bloating. I could not concentrate well and tended to forget things. I was constantly fatigued. I woke up feeling tired after a full night s sleep. I could not get anything done. I suffered with menstrual irregularities, rectal itching, bladder spasms, a skin condition with peeling between my fingers, a nagging cough, bad breath, sinus congestion, hay fever, sneezing and puffy eyes. I scored over very high on Dr. Crook s questionnaire for yeast-related illness.