nizoral and acne

Do You Have Dandruff? - Nizoral Versus Selsun Blue Dandruff Shampoo - Associated ContentI have the worst dandruff that has ever existed in the history of hair and scalps. It started when I was a little kid, and I believe I inherited it from my father. For awhile there was no shampoo that worked. There was one There was some discussion over Neutrogena T-Gel, but nothing NOTHING compared to what I would eventually find. My father brought home this bottle called "Nizoral" that he kept claiming "better work miracles," because it was so expensive. It smelled like chemicals, which I didn't like. I'm a girl, I want my hair to smell like flowers and sunshine, not zinc or "ketoconazole" (Nizoral's "active ingredient"). But the second I lathered my hair up with this stuff, I felt a burn. A very GOOD burn. I agree with your article 100% i have also had pretty bad dandruff not to the extent you have, but enough that it's embarrassing and on the mind. I like you tried all sorts the only things I found that work: Selsun Blue & Nizoral. My mom picked it up it's in the smallest little bottle & Expensive! And just like you said it does NOT smell good. I do like you do, I use something that smells better right after i'm done to take away the Nizoral smell. I also think your right about Nizoral being not that great as a shampoo but just made for eliminating dandruff which it does do. Only problem is it's i get lazy/cheap sometimes and don't buy it as often as i should/want to. Well I hadn't been using dandruff shampoo for a while and I had my hair cut & the hairdresser said Use this..Tea Tree Shampoo Designline by Regis...she said the shampoo & conditioner are on for 2 for $15 right now......try it i highly reccomend it she said. So reluctantly got it and I will c how it goes.