Nizoral causes hair loss


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Shampoo Causes Hair Loss -- The Effects of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS).Nearly all shampoos cause hair loss this is the outlandish claim of the “grunge” new wave, and I’m not talking about rock music. This is why the followers of the grunge movement have binned shampoo. They believe the ingredients in shampoo kill hair growth. My initial reaction was disgust eeeughh, dirty filthy beasts. But, to my surprise, countless people have reported the shedding of hair had reduced after giving shampoo the elbow. Some even sprouted fresh hair. This was enough to entice me off my well shampooed high horse and give grunge a go. Autoradiographic studies of rat skin treated with radiolabelled Sodium Lauryl Sulfate found heavy deposition of the detergent on the skin surface and in the hair follicles; damage to the hair follicle could result from such deposition. Further, it has been reported that 1 percent and 5 percent Sodium Lauryl Sulfate produced significant number of comedones when applied to the pinna of albino rabbits. These two problems - possible hair loss and comedone formation - along with proven irritancy, should be considered in the formulation of cosmetic products…[Conclusion] Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate appear to be safe in formulations designed for discontinuous, brief use followed by thorough rinsing from the surface of the skin. In products intended for prolonged contact with skin, concentrations should not exceed 1 percent.I m a hairstylist and I just wanted to say that you need to do a little more research before writing something like this. For one your probably using bad shampoos. Everyones hair needs different things and you probably just have it all wrong! Any shampoo you get thats not from a salon is not pH balanced. This can cause hair loss, breakage, dry scalp and split ends. Most of these shampoos such as Pantene also contain a wax that coats your hair and leaves it disgusting, making it break off and become wirey.