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Nizoral shampoo for scalp psoriasis? [Archive] - National Psoriasis Foundation message boardNational Psoriasis Foundation message board Parents, friends and family Nizoral shampoo for scalp psoriasis?Hello, my name is Tara. I have actually been a member with NPF for a year. My daughter, Haley, is 8 and was diagnosed with psoriasis at 1. It took about 4-6 months to clear, but then she was symptom free for about 4 years, at which time she started getting some on her scalp. We were quite successful in keeping it under control on our own until about 6 months ago, when if flared up pretty bad on her scalp (and our usual coal tar/salicylic acid routine quit working), then a couple of months later on her face and body. We went to the dermatologist yesterday, who did look over her body pretty well, but didn't look at her head hardly at all. He prescribed Aclovate and cutivate for her body and face, but Nizoral shampoo for her scalp. She has some pretty big spots on her scalp that are growing rapidly by the week and I worry that if this keeps going her whole head will be covered! My question is, has anyone had success in treating scalp psoriasis with Nizoral shampoo? I understand starting out with the less invasive therapy is the best, but is Nizoral shampoo really adequate enough for scalp psoriasis? I always thought it was for just dandruff! Any comments on this would be greatly appreciated. We really want to work at getting this under control again!Do You Have Dandruff? - Nizoral Versus Selsun Blue Dandruff Shampoo - Associated ContentI have the worst dandruff that has ever existed in the history of hair and scalps. It started when I was a little kid, and I believe I inherited it from my father. For awhile there was no shampoo that worked. There was one There was some discussion over Neutrogena T-Gel, but nothing NOTHING compared to what I would eventually find.