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Hair Loss Products Hair Loss Remedy - Hairloss Treatment InformationExercising Training | Diet Weight Loss | Health Nutrition | Motivation Success | Sports Supplements I don't think it takes a Rhodes scholar to see that many bodybuilders, both male and female, are particularly thin on top. The top of their heads' that is. A few years back I wrote an article on dyhydrotestosterone (DHT) and its effects on hair loss, prostate enlargement, and acne. Specifically, I talked about the effects of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase (5AR) and its role in the above problems and ways to shut this enzyme down using 5AR inhibitors such as Proscar and Saw Palmetto. In my book, I also discuss these topics at length and add in some useful additional information that was not in the article. So why do I care so much about hair loss? My mother's father was bald, my father is mighty thin up top, my hair started to thin a while back -you do the math! Now I have a lot of respect and admiration for those people who can lose their hair and say things like It's natural and the way of nature. If I lose my hair, so be it. Well I am not one of these people! I have never said such a stupid statement in my entire life and I will fight my hair loss until the day they put me in the grave! Anyway, over the past few years, and in addition to my usual research into nutrition, training, and other topics, I have also been keeping up with the latest research and products for hair loss.