Lithium orotate side effects


lithium carbonate with water

Lithium Orotate - The Good, The Bad and The Funny. From People Who Have Taken These Crazy Meds...and SCIENCE! Remember: Nobody on this site is a doctor, therapist, or a pharmacist. Know your sources! Crazy Meds is not responsible for the content of sites we provide links to. We like them, but what's on those sites is their business, not ours. been studied. It didn't pass the test of real science. At least to be ethically tested on humans. But, hey, if all y'all true believers want to volunteer for some double-blind studies, be my guest. I think rat studies go only so far. And not against placebo either. I don't like placebo tests. Lithium orotate vs lithium carbonate. Or Depakote. Or something else proven to work. Put your mania where your mouth is.Almost all of the material on this site is copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 Jerod Poore. Except, of course, the PI sheets, those are the property of the drug companies who developed the drugs the sheets are about. And any documents that are written by other people which may be posted to this site will remain the property of the original authors. You cannot reproduce this page or any other material on this site outside of the boundaries of fair use copying without the express permission of the copyright holder. That's usually me, so just ask first. That means if want to print out a few pages to take to your doctor, therapist, counselor, support group, non-understanding family members or something like that - then that's OK to just do. Go for it! Please. As long as you include this copyright notice and the following disclaimer, I'm cool with it. All rights reserved. No warranty is expressed or implied in this information. Consult one or more doctors and pharmacists before taking, or changing how you take any neurological and/or psychiatric medication. Your mileage may vary. What happened to us won't necessarily happen to you. Nobody on this site is a doctor, therapist, or a pharmacist.