Lithium medication


do lithium carbonate

Bipolar Medication Spotlight: Lithium | Bipolar BeatPeople are often frightened when the doctor raises the possibility of lithium treatment – it conjures up all kinds of images from the media and Hollywood of dark, dangerous institutions and wild kinds of symptoms. Patients often look surprised when I mention it – saying, “but isn’t that for only really crazy people?” It is unfortunate that lithium has gotten such a bad rap, because it is one of our best tested, longest used (since the 1960s), and most effective interventions for bipolar disorder. Here’s a list of its many benefits:I take both lithium,lamictal and colonzopam for treatment of bi-polar I sustained after hitting my head during a traffic accident (I was not aware one could receive bi-polar as a result to hard blows to the head and there were 5 degrees of bi-polar) It IS NOT ONLY GENETIC. My Dr, has been doctor of the year since 1996 and is head of the psychiatric unit at a large accredited hospital. The only side effect I have had with lithium was when I accidently overdosed (thought I had not taken my meds. yet I already had) I took the same dosage again. It was not fun. I was shaking, could not walk or talk and felt like I was going to pass out. Sleep took away all the symptoms with the help of burnt toast peanut butter (same as charcoal) Other than that one instance, I have never had a problem with lithium. I also think lithium and lamictal compliment each other.The Anxiety Community - Treatment - Medication: Lithium Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Alcoholism, Periodic aggressive, Explosive behavior Pure lithium, like sodium, calcium, or potassium, is a naturally occurring mineral. Lithium is found abundantly in certain rocks and the sea and in minute amounts in plant and animal tissues. Lithium also shows up in water, notably in the springs and spas where in earlier times people "took the waters," bathing in and drinking the lithium-rich water for its soothing effects.