lithium carbonate producers

Eskalith CR Oral Uses and How to Use See all our sites for your special health needs at This medication is used to treat manic-depressive disorder (bipolar disorder). It works to stabilize the mood and reduce extremes in behavior by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain. Take this medication by mouth, usually twice daily or as directed by your doctor. Take lithium with or immediately after meals to lessen stomach upset. Swallow this medication whole. Do not crush or chew. Doing so can destroy the long action of this drug and may increase side effects. Drink 8 to 12 glasses (8 ounces or 240 milliliters each) of water or other fluid each day, and maintain a healthy diet with normal amounts of salt (sodium) as directed by your doctor or dietician while taking this medication. Large changes in the amount of salt in your diet may change your lithium blood levels. Do not change the amount of salt in your diet unless your doctor tells you to do so.