Galantamine vs


the drug reminyl used to

Galantamine vs Huperzine vs Aricept - ImmInst Forums ImmInst Forums » Health Nutrition » Supplements » Nootropics After doing some research, it seems that several members on this forum discourage long term use of huperzine. Galantamine seems to be on the expensive side, although still cheaper than Aricept. I have tried huperzine and have noticed improved memory and focus, and calmness but my higher order reasoning seems a little muffled when I m on it (I m NOT sure whether this is due to the huperzine or the other supplements I m taking). I notice huperzine must be dosed 3 times daily, but galantamine can be dosed once or twice. Aricept has a half life of 70 hours and seems to be most powerful, and rightfully the drug used to treat certain dementias.