
Doryx dose

Doryx and hair loss - Acne - MedHelpMember Comments are provided by individuals and reflect their personal opinions only. Under NO circumstances should you act on any advice or opinion posted in this forum. ALWAYS check with your personal physician before taking any action regarding your health! MedHelp International and our partners, sponsors and affiliates have no obligation to monitor any comments posted on this site, or the content and/or accuracy of such exchanges. MedHelp International does not endorse the views of any user. Oh my god. I've been recently prescribed Doryx 150mg. The dermatologist gave me samples (3 tablets per bottle) and I've taken 5 tablets already. I had the fright of my life as I washed my hair today-- more than the usual fell off! This has never happened to me before and I am upset and scared that since Doryx has a delayed-release formula, it will take days for my system to get rid of the drug! I'm waiting to hear from that dermatologist about this horrible side effect. But in the meantime, I'm warning everyone about Doryx. The hair loss won't happen until after a few days so there's no way to tell if you'll suffer the same consequence... until the inevitable occurs. But if it does: STOP taking Doryx and call your doctor.

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